RSHidrogea dialogue on skills and talent management with the CEO of Dulcesol

The Executive Chamber of the Murcia Chamber of Commerce hosted the 10th RSHidrogea Dialogue, with the talk ‘Managing Skill and Talent. The Case of Dulcesol’, given by Rafael Juan, Dulcesol’s CEO.

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The event was organised by Hidrogea and the International Chair for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), with additional support from the Murcia Chamber of Commerce, Aenor and Lógica Ecommerce.

During the event, Rafael Juan noted that ‘CSR is increasingly in the minds of consumers, so companies now have an obligation to become more transparent and socially responsible’. He further added that, ‘nowadays, news, especially negative news, spreads quickly on social media, which means CSR cannot just be used as a marketing tool but must be embedded in the company’s daily work’.

Other contributors during the event included Miguel López, president of the Murcia Chamber of Commerce, who stressed that ‘economics is fundamental to business, but it is not everything and this is where CSR plays an essential role, as it places value on people in companies’. Another contributor, José Luis Mendoza García, director of Institutional Relations at UCAM, noted that ‘the university, through the Chair for CSR, aims to contribute to the social aspect, whose importance does not lie in making a profit but in offering a good product or service’.

Also participating in the event were Inmaculada Serrano, Hidrogea’s CEO, and Víctor Meseguer, the director of the Chair. The event also featured the presentation of the programme of studies of UCAM's International Chair for CSR and its Social Innovation Observatory.

Attended by representatives of companies linked to the Chair and students from UCAM's master’s degrees in Labour Relations Management; CSR and People Management; and in CSR, Sustainability and Corporate Intelligence, the event marked the opening of the second season of Hidrogea dialogues, in which renowned economic, social and political leaders from Spain will be taking take part.

Click here to see a video summary of the conference broadcast by Popular TV