Hidrogea workers plant local species around the Mar Menor lagoon
Hidrogea, the Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste (ANSE) and the Arco Sur del Mar Menor Irrigation Association have joined forces for World Environment Day and World Oceans Day to generate a natural, indigenous ecosystem to help halt surface run-offs that discharge nitrates into the Mar Menor lagoon.
Hidrogea Marea Azul, the company's corporate volunteering work project, saw 15 employees invest time and effort to fight the desertification and eutrophication of the Mar Menor.
Workers went to the area of Cabo de Palos and Los Belones to plant indigenous species such as oleander, myrtle, strawberry tree, lavender and Mediterranean dwarf palm, to create a classic local ecosystem whose benefits include halting soil erosion and the flow of fertilisers into the wetlands. As the ANSE team leading the operation explained, ‘planting these species will also favour the conservation of bees and increase predator species to control pests that affect the environment’.
Hidrogea Marea Azul, which is committed to sustainable development, will continue to carry out activities that generate a positive impact on the natural environment and improve quality of life in the Region of Murcia.