Aquae STEM

Fostering scientific and technological
vocations among schoolgirls

Developing the competencies of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is one of the fundamental goals of the education agenda worldwide. Today, the demand for STEM professionals is growing faster than for professionals in other areas. Furthermore, several reports have highlighted gender inequalities in STEM teaching, leading to fewer girls opting for these studies and professions.

What does this STEM project involve?

Hidrogea and its foundation, Aquae Foundation, are keenly aware of the need to reverse this trend and this year have set up Aquae STEM, a new programme for fostering STEM vocations among girls in primary school, using the values of innovation and creativity as a vehicle to inspire them and involve the educational community..

Aquae STEM consists of a number of practical activities, both in the classroom and online, designed to arouse interest in STEM by setting challenges that have to be completed.

Unlike other STEM programmes, Aquae STEM is aimed at primary school grades 2 to 6 to foster lasting STEM learning environments at very early ages. Its implementation is planned to last for three years.